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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lee Denney and Sexual Predators

Imagine my surprise when Lee Denney, Rep, Dist 33, no opponent, brings up that if we vote yes on SQ 744 (which provides for public education up to the average level of our neighboring states) says that the state will be forced to release Sexual Predators if that question is successful in November. Oh, and the roads will no longer be funded - as they have been this 5th year of an 8 yr plan. We are half way through an 8 yr plan??? Where? Our roads still stink - but let's put the roads before the children of Oklahoma.

I heard more butt kissing in an hour - praise for Votech education which is well deserved but Votech also gives college credit where possible - why?? Because everyone of those VoTech teachers (there may be a few exceptions) are college educated and they hope that nursing student also wants to be RNs or a doctor/dentist/vet some day. And it is so individual - my brother came in second in state through Central Vo Tech - he's always made more income than I did as a secretary and even after I received a bachelors in business his machining skills gave him more income. My one sister became a well paid beautician who no longer can handle the chemicals and my other sister ended up totally outside the votech training she received. Every story is different - but according to the incumbents yesterday, votech was all but superior to any college education and you can bet had this been a college group, the verbage would have insued in lockstep that without higher education, our nation is headed for oblivion.

I sat by my votech successor (yes I had worked there back in the 80s) - who stated she makes $27,000 a yr or so after receiving her 25 yr recognition yesterday - cuz I outright asked since I was making less than $10,000 when I left her the job 25 yrs ago. Eight years ago I was making $40,000 and started at that income. She said students left votech making more than she does to start their careers.

But the biggest smoozing was along the lines of religion - each claiming their Christianity as if that was a qualification to run for office - amazing in this day and age. Sorry I was silent on the subject - I stated I was for SQ 744, equal rights and pay for women but also healthcare for all humans. Did I score any points - did not feel like it until the ag teacher thanked me for stating I was a liberal - said he was proud to see someone not afraid to use the word. Hope others saw the difference.

Incumbent politians scare me - I was more impressed with the Republican from Dist 32 who stood up and said he didn't know what to do about education than I was with the Democrat incumbent who was more smoozy and less real. Heaven help us from our own government and its representatives - they scare me - every one of them do.

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