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Monday, October 25, 2010

744 revisited

Arkansas legislators make $14,000 - they pay much higher per student but OK legislators make $38,400 and we pay the least per student in the region. Colorado pays their legislators $30,000 - the second highest in the region - that's still $8,400 less than we pay ours in Oklahoma. I've made up my mind - I am voting for state question 744. Our kids deserve to be treated better.

Please vote - it's your right and it is a privilege.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Okra and Bigotry

I've had so much okra and seems it isn't high on anyone's eating list - most of us like it fried so maybe it is a bit much. But to not let it go to waste I have taken it to the Senior Citizen's Center. I noticed and found out that Booker T used to be a senior center for the black community - but Sapulpa is a town divided and our Sapulpa Herald's headline that McCain Carried Oklahoma during the last presidential alarmed much of its citizenship - sad - really sad. Even I vowed not to do business with the Herald after than and I haven't. Sadder yet for a person who would like to represent this district. So a man from Booker T called about my okra which has been delivered since no cars were around Booker T but they will get the next picking.

When I was in the first grade my dad was stationed in England and we had to wait three months to join him. A little girl became my friend and she allowed me to try to ride her bicycle - she was black. Never dawned on me that she didn't even go to my school back then - til very recently. I once wrote a letter to the Davenport paper - rather cryptic letter since I didn't know if they had a paper looking for this little girl. I wrote it several years back - and never got a returned answer. Being military, I was best friends with JoAnne Sandoval - she was Hispanic - her dad was also in the service. I didn't grow up bigotted - it isn't Christlike or Christian to be bigotted - we have all these churches in Oklahoma and still we are divided - and it bothers me.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Creek County Fair

Spent much of Friday and Saturday at the Creek County Free Fair - the economy has affected it greatly - there were a lot less commercial vendor participation than usual. Usually a bank or two, an insurance company and other kinds of businesses participate and give away pens, calendars, and magnets but not this year.

The chili cookoff gave money to the Lions - a worthy cause.

But it always amazes me the fact that Republicans and Democrats sit back to back and even visit during this event. We are neighbors - obviously. I know my opponent does not find me to be the least bit of a threat - he is sure of his win - he stomped Joe Crowder last voting season - and Joe spent 90,000 dollars - I've spend less than $200 and have accepted not one single dime in donations.

The only way a job that pays $38,400 is worth a $90,000 fight is if there is power in that job - guess I am not interested in the power.

I am having second thoughts on HB 744 - a Sapulpa bus driver says teachers don't care enough about the kids - can this be true? Other countries spend less on healthcare and education and yet kick our butts - what or where do we make changes?

I am pro-union but I am also of the opinion that Unions should not encourage or defend shitty employees - (yes I used a 4 letter word but it fits). My husband is union and he has worked with guys who don't pull their weight - there were teachers way back when I was in school who were just horrible at their jobs - and I don't believe it is right for them to be maintained - we need the best at their jobs - and I think the union teachers and most of American mechanics would agree - let's see if the unions can begin to support removal of the bad within their own ranks. Afterall, it is the unions that gave us all healthcare, 40 hr work weeks, no child labor, OSHA and vacations - let's ask them to be a part of the solution in increasing productivity not by cutting their pay but by keeping the good employees and letting them use peer review.

I am still picking Okra at the farm - and I have to mow - my husband is working overtime and I'm it - the only one at home. For some reason, the very idea of paying someone to mow my own yard would be lovely if I thought I could afford it easily but I can't. Actually, it really doesn't set well with me to not mow my own lawn.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lee Denney and Sexual Predators

Imagine my surprise when Lee Denney, Rep, Dist 33, no opponent, brings up that if we vote yes on SQ 744 (which provides for public education up to the average level of our neighboring states) says that the state will be forced to release Sexual Predators if that question is successful in November. Oh, and the roads will no longer be funded - as they have been this 5th year of an 8 yr plan. We are half way through an 8 yr plan??? Where? Our roads still stink - but let's put the roads before the children of Oklahoma.

I heard more butt kissing in an hour - praise for Votech education which is well deserved but Votech also gives college credit where possible - why?? Because everyone of those VoTech teachers (there may be a few exceptions) are college educated and they hope that nursing student also wants to be RNs or a doctor/dentist/vet some day. And it is so individual - my brother came in second in state through Central Vo Tech - he's always made more income than I did as a secretary and even after I received a bachelors in business his machining skills gave him more income. My one sister became a well paid beautician who no longer can handle the chemicals and my other sister ended up totally outside the votech training she received. Every story is different - but according to the incumbents yesterday, votech was all but superior to any college education and you can bet had this been a college group, the verbage would have insued in lockstep that without higher education, our nation is headed for oblivion.

I sat by my votech successor (yes I had worked there back in the 80s) - who stated she makes $27,000 a yr or so after receiving her 25 yr recognition yesterday - cuz I outright asked since I was making less than $10,000 when I left her the job 25 yrs ago. Eight years ago I was making $40,000 and started at that income. She said students left votech making more than she does to start their careers.

But the biggest smoozing was along the lines of religion - each claiming their Christianity as if that was a qualification to run for office - amazing in this day and age. Sorry I was silent on the subject - I stated I was for SQ 744, equal rights and pay for women but also healthcare for all humans. Did I score any points - did not feel like it until the ag teacher thanked me for stating I was a liberal - said he was proud to see someone not afraid to use the word. Hope others saw the difference.

Incumbent politians scare me - I was more impressed with the Republican from Dist 32 who stood up and said he didn't know what to do about education than I was with the Democrat incumbent who was more smoozy and less real. Heaven help us from our own government and its representatives - they scare me - every one of them do.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I sat through a presentation on State Question 744. You know what this does - it forces the state legislatures to delegate the public school budget before it delegates any other money to any other project and it provides a mechanism that brings our spending to the average of very state that touches our state. In other words - your public schools will be funded before prisons and before highways. If you have never had kids, don't like kids, don't want anyone's kids to have an education - please vote against it.

Personally my education K-12 was from the state funded public systems in many, many states too - because I was an Air Force brat. I also believe firmly that children deserve the very best we adults can offer - afterall, they have no vote, they have no say and they can't make us do anything we don't wish to do. I hope you wish your kids had it better than you did. Statistics say they won't live as long as you will - because more suffer from diseases caused by our bad eating habits. Maybe we can educate them to do better than we were taught.

This bill won't fix things overnight - sorry but reality TV shows seem to have everyone thinking that instant fixes are out there - but they are not. We need to put our children first for the first time in a damn long time. Moms and Dads- choose your kids - vote yes on this state question. Grandsparents - let's put our grandchildren ahead of our self-interest. This is a long haul issue. Politians have been mouthing the words that they care about education - but in all reality - it is in bad shape and will get much worse for a while - the economy that has hit the coasts is just waving itself over our part of the USA - bite the bullet - put the kids first - all else will take care of itself.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My Platform - Are you Kidding???

A couple of friends have asked what my platform is - I sat and wondered myself. I am not sure I have what one might call a platform - that means I have a solid ground to stand on. As wet as it has been this year there is little solid ground for anyone to stand on in Oklahoma.

The seed/farm exemption issue with seeds not being listed as a Farm Exempt product and therefore leaving me with having to pay taxes on seeds is in itself a issue of complete nonsense in the area of what the Oklahoma Tax Commission considers to be exempt of taxes. I mean, how does one farm without seeds? Now I don't mean to denigrate anyone who raises animals - that's another aspect of farming but really - I can buy a bungie cord or dog food with farm exemption but I can't buy seeds.

So do I have a platform - no. I have a desire - to do good - to do good for the most people that I can. It's one reason I started two farmers markets. It's why I spent so much time working on a Buy Fresh/Buy Local database back in November - because it was needed by a all the farmers in Green Country. It's why I agreed to tie one market to a school district - it was mutually beneficial. It's why I grow orga. . . dammit - I can't say that word because it belongs to the government - it's why I grow chemical free, pesticide free. It makes my veggies safe for you. It makes my land safe for me to be out on. This is why I recycle taking all my cans, pop bottles and milk containers to SHOW. Recycling is harder to do than just trashing my garbage but it is good for the planet. This is why I bought a car that I plan to drive one million miles. I have always thought about others and tried to be a good citizen of the planet, not just look out for me.

I have planned on doing some videos - I want them to be funny - and informative - and I am finding it very difficult to plan to get it done because I am doing already good for others. Just understand that I do what I can and if I get a chance to look into the way this state is run, and make it better for as many as possible, I will - it is who I am.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Cloning - with a smile

I believe it would be wonderful if I could clone myself fully formed and with all the same thoughts and feelings - man I could do so much. I clone all the time - its called propagation in the plant world - we cut off a stem, stick them down in perlite, water and soon roots follow creating a plant that looks exactly like the parent. Again, I tell you I wish I could clone myself with one caveat - I only want one SSN. Maybe if I could just have myself created as a robot that would be more acceptable to the rest of the world - smiles.

No one wants to pay taxes - no one wants to pay for insurance. The world has gotten so complex that we neeeeeed both. I don't know everything there is to know about taxes - I prepare my taxes and send them off - for two years the IRS sends me more than I expect - they don't tell me where I am missing my deduction they are adding to my tax forms. There then is sales taxes and property taxes and toll roads and taxes on buying cars and boats and fees for licenses to collect sales taxes. Still we pay less taxes than other countries who have naturally included more services because they collect more taxes.

Insurance is another necessary evil in our minds - necessary because we drive vehicles that don't stay on roads, live in houses that can burn down, do business where someone can get hurt and work at jobs so we can have benefits that pay if we get ill.

The site above is where you need to look regarding healthcare changes - don't listen to the TV stations and those talking heads - go read up about it. I used to assume I knew the answers because I heard it from someone who heard it from someone else. Insurance for everyone isn't the end of the USA - it might prevent the end of the USA. Here's what I was told - but look at it yourself. You children will stay on your insurance until they are 26, you cannot be dropped by any insurance company for any reason, your maximum payout will be removed - catastrophic illness will not take your home, people living at 133% of poverty level will be insured at no cost, people living between 133% and 400% will have coverage on a sliding scale with help from the government and those who have insurance will keep what they have. I am not crazy how much the insurance companies got to control - I am not crazy about corporate America. But surely you all agree that no child should lie at home with a severe fever and not get to a regular doctor until an emergency room visit and an out of control fever takes a kid because mom and dad can't afford insurance. Sometimes we need to change - maybe this will be a hell of a lot better than the talking heads are telling us.